Monday, February 28, 2011

Lemon Pizza


8 lemons
Sunflower oil, for greasing
1/2 packet pizza base mix
About 125 ml warm (hand hot) water
50g Cheddar cheese
50g Red Leicester cheese
1 plum tomato
1/4 small red onion
1 small avocado
3 rashers lean back bacon


Place pizza base mix (use 1 sachet only) in Classic Batter Bowl; add enough warm water, mixing to form soft dough. Knead dough on lightly floured surface 5 minutes or until smooth. Place pizza dough onto centre of prepared bar pan; roll dough out to cover base of pan using Baker's Roller(R). If necessary, gently ease dough 5 mm up edges of pan using fingertips, so that edges are slightly higher than base. Set aside in warm place 15 minutes.
 Scatter diced lemon pieces over pizza base; sprinkle with cheese, tomato pieces and red onion pieces. Bake 18-20 minutes or until base is crisp and golden brown; remove from oven to Stackable Cooling Rack. Cut avocado in half lengthways using Utility Knife, avoiding stone; twist halves apart and remove stone. Cut halves into quarters and remove peel; dice avocado flesh and place into Small Batter Bowl. Juice lemon to measure 2-3 tablespoons juice; add to batter bowl to taste and stir gently. Distribute avocado mixture evenly over warm pizza. Sprinkle with cooked bacon, if desired. Cut pizza into portions with Pizza Cutter.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

BBQ Pizza

1 Prepared pizza shell
6 oz Chicken, cooked
6 oz Mozzarella cheese
2 oz Extra-sharp cheddar 1/2 cup 
Red onion sliced
Cilantro, chopped or to taste


Combine the BBQ sauce and spicy cooked chicken. Spread mixture on pizza shell. Spread mozzarella and cheddar over this. Top with onion and cilantro. Sprinkle with parsley. Bake at 450 degrees F until cheese is melted and crust is golden. Delicious BBQ pizza is ready enjoy with BBQ sauces.